
Christian Publications and publishing houses:

LIFESOURCE (formerly ABC) - Adventist Book Centre for the UK and Ireland
Department Reading List

Stanborough Press the operators of LIFESOURCE
The Good Book Company various Christian books and study guides

Various useful links:

Luton Central
 SoundCloud catalogue

eBook for kids
I Miss Grandpa
 - helping kids learn about death

Bible Studies
Adventist Discovery Centre (ADC)
 - various study series in the Bible and on health.


Adventist discipleship website has resources to help you make disciples, and build communities.  

Creation Ministries

"The Voyage that Shook the World" - short film of Charles Darwin, and his theory of "The Origin of the Species."
Available on Amazon, or other places like here.

Family, Children, and Youth ministries links

Family life with UK links CLICK HERE.

EGWhite publications - EPUB: Android (Samsung, etc.), iOS (iPad, iPhone), MOBI: Kindle (Amazon), PDF: For PCs and MAC
E G White Estate website - 
EGW audio books, including other church documents.

For Elders and Deacons/Deaconesses
GC resources -